Do you know what can go wrong with your Johnson City, TN shingle roof replacement? Many Johnson City, TN homeowners who want to replace their roofs often ask us this question.
One of the essential parts of a home is the roof, and it's often ignored (until there are problems). The truth is that roofs can last for years (or even decades, but they also have a limited lifespan.
Here are the things that could go wrong with a newly installed shingle roof.
If you live in areas where there is heavy snowfall or hail storms, your roof is prone to damage.
The materials used for insulation, which protects your home from the elements such as fibreglass, have a limited lifespan. They can break down over time, leaving you with an unsafe and inefficient roofing system.
If the roofer did not follow the manufacturer's instructions, the new shingles may be installed on top of several layers of existing shingles. The manufacturer provides this information as they know what type of materials are in the shingles.
In fact, there is a limit to how many layers a house can take! Building codes dictate this. Too thick means it won't allow water to flow off properly. This could lead to damage to your roof, too!
Basing on our experience, one of the most common causes for shingles to become loose and unsightly is that they were not installed correctly in the first place.
The roof may be a homeowner's best friend when it comes time to watch their favourite team play or host an outdoor event on occasion. Still, unfortunately, improper installation can lead to water infiltration leading to ultimately very costly repairs down the line.
A leaky roof often happens due to lack of caulking on sections like underlayment/shingle joints; seams between pieces (like fascia boards); around vents, windows & doors; etc., as well as flashings along ledges - all places vulnerable from rain penetration.
A common problem, the roofer might not have been careful enough to ensure fastening the shingles with enough nails.
Did you know that one out of five roofs leak? That means if there's water leaking through the ceiling from above. And the chances are good that your roof needs repairing or replacing.
If you have issues with a leaky roof, let us know! Your roofing and siding experts in Johnson City, TN would love to hear from homeowners who want solutions for roofs that don't do the job!
Contact Johnson City Roofing and Siding. We’re always ready to work on roofs! Call us now for a free roof Johnson City, TN roof replacement estimate!